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THE girl(:

Sweetiecream ♥
Jiaqin Sweetiecream
Studying in Changkat Primary School Changkat Changi Secondary School
Everyone wish me a "HAPPY B'DAE" on every 2308 .

new clothes
new handphone
new wallet
new bag
new hair accessories
pierce my ear
new mp3
let go off the past
new accessories
hang out with Yanli
hang out with Sijia, Jolene, Yanli together
hang out with Adeline
hang out with Daphne
one two three

Now Playing


Friday, October 29, 2010

Yesterday was the last day of school...
Happy, as I do not need to wake up that early, sad as I will miss my kor, jie, mei and most importantly, Miss Huang and delicious... =(
Hope that I can go to the same class as delicious(:
Might be going out with delicious on one of the days or maybe 3 days =)
Maybe going out with Daphne, Mei and Daphne's sister.
Hope that everyone will enjoy their holiday, stay healthy and happy(:

listen to me at 10:35 AM

Monday, October 25, 2010

CO outing!

finally co outing(:
went to tampines orchid bowl, played 3 games with my "team mates" Adeline, Chewyu and Grace(:
At first leading, then Chewyu, then me again, and final is Adeline :D
I play until fingers going break, sad for Yanli, nails break (so pain) ):
Hope that her nails will be back to normal(:
Currently chatting with my delicious =)
Hope that we can go same class, same subject combination and sit next to each other =)
JIAYOUs worh Jiaqin and delicious >.<

listen to me at 6:49 PM

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Yesterday was the last day of EOY(: YAY~
Went out with delicious and Adeline(:
Enjoyed going out with them =)
Ate McFlurry and mashmallow (share with delicious) wasted $2.20 for that as we cannot eat finish, and if I continue to eat, I bet I am so going to be sick again...
Played maple alone, sad...
Then went facebook play games(:
Currently playing maple and chatting with delicious =)
Hope that everyone will pass all papers with flying COLOURZ =)
And wishing that everyone will be happy and healthy always(:
ps delicious MUST go same class as me >.< 


listen to me at 12:41 PM

Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Carmen(:

Happy Birthday Carmen(:may all your wishes come true =)
Today in the morning already not feeling well...
So now, I am having fever now...
Studied alone while listening to Delicious's iPod(:
Thank you Delicious ><
Thank you Yimin for cheering me up, I will follow your advice =)
Copied science notes from Delicious's science file for almost 2 hours...
Now I am feeling tired everywhere...
I wish that everyone will be healthy always, even it means to take my health ^^
Shall end post now...
Ps Thank you twinneh for updating my blog(: <3


listen to me at 8:30 PM

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