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THE girl(:

Sweetiecream ♥
Jiaqin Sweetiecream
Studying in Changkat Primary School Changkat Changi Secondary School
Everyone wish me a "HAPPY B'DAE" on every 2308 .

new clothes
new handphone
new wallet
new bag
new hair accessories
pierce my ear
new mp3
let go off the past
new accessories
hang out with Yanli
hang out with Sijia, Jolene, Yanli together
hang out with Adeline
hang out with Daphne
one two three

Now Playing


Monday, September 27, 2010

Jiaqi filing in for JiaqinTwinney :D

she so long nvr post liao rite ?
hahah being random
and ppl pls tag this blog to make it alive kay ?
i mean when no post LOL
and i will help her reply my tag : suresure JiaqiTwinney <3
BHB lah Jiaqi , GoAndDie :D
kay idk wad to post liao
bt make sure tag her blog kay ?


listen to me at 6:08 PM

Friday, September 24, 2010


Sorry for not posting for so long...
As EOY exams are coming, I will be MIA...
Tired of living lah...
My friend dislikes me... 
Thank you "Xiang Jiejie" Sijia and "Delicious" Jolene for being there when I needed you guys(:
Someone, please take me away from this cruel world...


listen to me at 7:07 PM

Friday, September 10, 2010

There was a saying...

There was a saying: Life is uncertain; Death is certain.
Today attended my grandmother's friend's funnel, kind of miss her, the kind and adorable person...
Shall post until here, bye

listen to me at 8:56 PM

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

to be happy or to be sad? I choose sad...

Today twinneh received a call from our father, that my cousin's grandmother passed away...
She is a optimistic and cheerful person, who got cancer all of a sudden... Why? Why must is be her?
If I can choose, i will choose to be the one who died, at least no one, or a little will be sad for me...
She is the one person who I think is adorable(:
Hope that she will be peaceful, with no worries(:
And I will miss her forever, like the time I missed my uncle...
Hope that everyone will be happy always and treasure the times they had with their beloved ones(:


listen to me at 8:19 PM

Monday, September 6, 2010

you reap what you sow

Yup, the title has said it(:
Literature pass, which is a Good news(:
Can't wait for tomorrow, going to study with "delicious" Jolene(:
Waiting for my twinneh now, and the countdown starts. [3hours 10mins]
Shall end post here, byee~

listen to me at 2:51 PM

Friday, September 3, 2010

Last paper over~

Yay! Common test over le(:
Enjoyed studying with Jolene the most XD
Today created a new word with her. My "Delicious"Jolene :DD
Haiz... Got to start my revision again, EOY exams are just 5 or 6 weeks away... So fast... )=
JIAYOUs worh, everyone(:
Jolene, want to study again some time? Then we can crazy for all we care XD
My "Delicious" Jolene, we JIAYOUs together, everything do together, even study together ohkays? >.<
Yangyi is missed... She went back to China...
JIAYOUs to Jolene, Sijia, Yanli, Yangyi, Twinneh, Carmen, Xueqi and Qifang(:


listen to me at 2:17 PM

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Two more papers(:

Jiaqin, JIAYOUs worh~
Left two papers(:
Sijia and Jolene must JIAYOUs worh, we MUST go same class horh :D
Today went clinic with Twinneh and Grandmother(:
Just talked to Jolene for almost 2 hours, almost break record with her XD
Studying science now, JIAYOUs Jiaqin, Jolene, Sijia, Yanli, Xueqi, Carmen(:


listen to me at 8:52 PM

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