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THE girl(:

Sweetiecream ♥
Jiaqin Sweetiecream
Studying in Changkat Primary School Changkat Changi Secondary School
Everyone wish me a "HAPPY B'DAE" on every 2308 .

new clothes
new handphone
new wallet
new bag
new hair accessories
pierce my ear
new mp3
let go off the past
new accessories
hang out with Yanli
hang out with Sijia, Jolene, Yanli together
hang out with Adeline
hang out with Daphne
one two three

Now Playing


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Today wake up, seriously having flu and a little sore throat):
Meet Sijia, then in the end become Chuanning, Trini and her, went to school together(:
After going school, went to Popular for a while, then went to NTUC to meet my mother. Saw Xueqi(:
Went home, keep sneezing, now having headache... :[
Hope that I will recover soon...
Sijia and Jolene went to the open ceremony for YOG, hope that they had fun(:
Wishing everyone happy always(:

listen to me at 9:17 PM

Friday, July 30, 2010

Yesterday went to do maths homework, then got distracted as Adeline, Sijia, Jolene and I saw some teachers playing Frisbee. Jolene and I went back to do homework while waiting for teacher, in the end, went down after Jolene finish her maths worksheet.
Receive call from Adeline, found out that she fell down, both of us rushed to the toilet. After asking people who could help, went out to help her apply medical oil, but in the end went to General Office apply medicine.
Haven't apply, and she squeeze my hand very hardly, stressing herself...):
Sijia, Jolene and I brought her home, her ah ma's house view is very very nice, all of us want to stay there, LOL. Then went home, reach home around 7.05p.m, bathe, and went to do art homework (in the end no need to paint, spent whole day painting...)
Dinner eat until sian, eat a few mouth then throw away... Maybe because I am just tired...
Today Adeline's leg is better(: She is cheerful again :D
Think I caught a flu, keep wanting to sneeze, hate it...
Nothing to post le, just wish that everyone is happy always.

listen to me at 6:06 PM

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Today Shannon hit my stomach during recess, now still pain):
Got co practice, ate french fries for lunch, Shannon force me to eat more, like a mother, hahah(:
Waited my twinnie to come down, then went to buy dinner and 7-up bought sweet and drinks, then go buy my korkor's lunch(:
Today she helped me, maybe I was wrong, maybe she didn't blame me at all, and that she trust me(:
Hope that everyone would be happy always(:
Tianqi, be the cheerful you again ^^

listen to me at 8:52 PM

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Today after school went to KFC for lunch. Met Simin senior and Eunice senior, Simin suddenly say that we were like fated to meet each other, both elder sisters same school, younger sister going same instrument (maybe). Hahas(:
Currently talking to Tianqi senior(:
One word, regret. I seriously regretted everything, even though I don't know that what have I done wrong... If I have to say sorry to you, it is IMPOSSIBLE, since you do not have trust and faith in me, why even bother to be friends? You used to be one of my best friends, and do you know how hurt I am? No, coz all you think about is me and my fault. What about you? Have you even put yourself in my shoes? You don't even know what actually happen, and just believe that I did something that I did not even do. Yea, maybe I will regret now, but I am sure that what I choose is the right choose.
I am sorry
You push me to have this choice, and even though I will miss the times we spent together as best friends, I still have to do this.
From today onwards, this matter ends right here, right now

listen to me at 9:07 PM

Monday, July 26, 2010

Changed my blogskin for Sijia to be happy(:
Currently not feeling well, I think I going to have fever. Instead of bathing, I sit down, too unwell to bathe, just bathe finish and feeling MUCH better(:
Wishing everyone happy always(:

listen to me at 9:31 PM

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Today did chinese revision for Yanli tacher to mark, hahas(:
Sms-ed Sijia, Adeline, Zichang korkor and Tianqi Jiejie(: Chatting with Sijia on phone by sms and call >.<
Nothing to post le, just wish everyone haapy always(:

listen to me at 10:48 PM

Friday, July 23, 2010

Today Yanli came my house to study with me(:
Teach me chinese, she is my teacher from now(:
Nothing to post le, just wish everyone happy always(:

listen to me at 6:29 PM

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Today went to Nadiah's house to do Geography project. Managed to finish but over time limit, in the end 6p.m plus then reach home... Well, at least we have done it(:
Enjoyed the time spent with her, Herdiana and Sherly(:
Ate lunch and some snacks at her house, very nicee(:
Tomorrow got co, going to find teacher again with Jolene(:
Nothing to post le, just wish that everyone happy always, that's my biggest wish(:

listen to me at 9:08 PM

Monday, July 19, 2010

Today got co practice, went to find teacher to do maths homework. Did not manage to complete maths homework, now completed le, left CME, Geography, Art and no more, I guess(:
During practice, Sijia and I kept talking and laughing, when conductor said "bang bang", I added a tang, which means a band named lollipop, Sijia's favourite. LOL.
JIAYOUs Jiaqin, must not give up! Go for it, do your best :]

listen to me at 8:35 PM

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Today went to cycle with twinnie(:
Went to fitness corner play, played the aerobic step trainer, each taking up one of the steps and swing. So fun but scary... Did the same thing with the sky walker(: Both we screamed like hell =)
Saw three puppies, OMG they are SO CUTE!
agn OMG saw two kittens, SO CUTE!(:
Then saw a big cat, very scary, do not dare to go close to it...
Then saw a CUTE kitten, it came towards me, but I got phobia on cats, now I don't dare to touch it, even though it is SO innocent...
Currently talking to Tianqi(: Sharing both happiness and sadness to each other(:
Really enjoyed talking to her.
Today went to school for maths remedial, starting to like her le(:
She's fun and hilarious, really really like her :D
Nothing to post le, bye~

listen to me at 8:53 PM

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Today stayed in school to study maths until 5p.m plus...
Really enjoyed studying with Jolene and her friends, Rachel and Chermaine(:
They are quite friendly, I guess...
Both of them too hyper-active, like cannot concentrate during homework...
Nothing to post le, maybe also studying in school tomorrow.

listen to me at 8:59 PM

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Today got co, learned a new song, did my maths homework with Jolene, Sijia and Adeline(:
Nothing to post le, no mood.

listen to me at 8:09 PM

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Today during DnT, my hand was burned by the glue, as it is still hot... Seriously very pain):
Today finally understand what teacher is teaching(:
Nothing to post le, just wish that everyday would be wonderful(:

listen to me at 8:14 PM

Monday, July 12, 2010

Yesterday went down to play badminton and ride bicycle with my twinnie, until my muscles very pain.. Today need to copy the composition until my hands can break...):
Today co kena scolding from conductor -.-
No mood to post le. Byes~

listen to me at 10:24 PM

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Done all the homework le.
Tomorrow maybe going cc, but maybe cannot, as I might be going swimming in the morning or what.
Nothing to post le. Just know that I have made a HUGE mistake...

listen to me at 7:36 PM

Friday, July 9, 2010

Currently sms-ing Zichang, just realized that he isn't that close to her anymore...
What does she wants? Why does she want to loose friends? No offence, but she is way too much. Even though she was the closest senior I ever had, she no longer is the same Rachel. I really miss her...

listen to me at 10:08 PM

Today tidied up co store, me in charge of checking the stands.
Got blurred when I was checking the number of stands in different section when the number of stands are different from what I counted at first...
Damn tired and it's driving me crazy, luckily I receive helps from Sijia, Chanisa, Xueqi, Carmen and Yanli(:
Gratz to Xueqi and Qifang as the ev interview was over :]
During last period English, a teacher came in and called a few students, and I was one of them. Diyanah and I thought we have done something wrong, both of us panicking, in the end is just NE survey :)
Our answers are all the same as we discuss while doing, hahah
Zichang came to co store for a while and went home, well, at least he came(:
Nothing to post le. Tired now...

listen to me at 6:04 PM

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Almost choked myself while eating dinner just now...
Just realized that everything wasn't what it seemed to be...
I don't know how long can this cold war long... I really wish for myself to disappear into thin air...
Aniways, really really enjoyed talking to Jolene and Sijia, including Tianqi(:
Nothing to post le, just hope that I can run fast fast for tomorrow's napfa test (not retest, is just that when the test arrive, I fell down. LOL)

listen to me at 8:34 PM

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Today actually wanted to apologize to Rachel, but I don't know what is happening to me, why can't I just say a simple word like I am sincerely apologizing for the harms I have done? Maybe is just that I really did not done that, and that is the fact.
During co practice, Sijia and I was like crazy, too hyper le, I guess... Keep talking and laughing, and I don't know why(:
Today damn angry at Adeline, tell her a secret and she let it out, of course I have the rights to be angry, but instead, she was angry at me. Yanli helped me by saying some 道理, but I doubt she would listen.
Never mind, end my post here.

listen to me at 9:01 PM

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

To my cousin and my beloved twinnie:
to be happy does not mean that you must enter a relationship. Yup, I know that I have never been on a relationship, or to feel being love by some other people, but I am still happy(: You guys, please cheerup, I know it is easier said than done, but you must remain cheerful. I know, I do not know how it feels to break up with someone you like, but you will meet someone you love in the future. 不要为了一次错则就放弃... I just want you guys to be happy always(:
When you guys need me, I will be there for you(: I am sincere, truly I am. I am a good listener(:

listen to me at 9:30 PM

Happy 100th post(:

Number 100 post(: LOL
Today Adeline wanted to come my house to ask me some science questions, but as my korkor was at home, and she was afraid of him, she went home...D:
Actually going down to have dinner with twinnie and go shopping, but my father brought home some food...
Currently talking to Tianqi, hope that she will be happy always, and have great friends like Jacinda(:
Enjoy talking to Tianqi, a good listener and a good adviser, we lend each other our ears(:
Hope that everything you wish for is here, and hope that everyday would be perfect!

listen to me at 7:01 PM

Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy B'day to my best friend, Yanli May all your wishes come true(:
And congratz to Tianqi, finally fever gone le(:
Currently facebook-ing, almost done with my homework[:
Anyways, hope that Daphne will recover soon :)
JIAYOUs to Xueqi and Qifang for the upcoming ev interview(:

listen to me at 8:25 PM

It had been more than a month, that I have been coughing... Looks like this time is quite serious...
Today Daphne did not come to school, so decided not to go x-games as we already planned to play together. Chewyu had to go home to prepare for her piano lesson, and Adeline, Sijia and Jolene did not bring their PE attire...
Seriously feeling tired, tired of living in this unfair world... Just hope to find more friends and have more true friends who will not suspect me of doing something that I will never do...

listen to me at 7:36 PM

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Currently talking to Xueqi, Chewyu and Sijia, done all my homework, only left some(:
Tomorrow X-games, I don't really want to go... Haiz...):
Coughing for more than 3 weeks, and I have not recover yet... Think that I am going to have flu soon, again...
Tomorrow maybe going to Yanli's house or Daphne's house during X-games[:
Nothing to post le, byes~

listen to me at 7:22 PM

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