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THE girl(:

Sweetiecream ♥
Jiaqin Sweetiecream
Studying in Changkat Primary School Changkat Changi Secondary School
Everyone wish me a "HAPPY B'DAE" on every 2308 .

new clothes
new handphone
new wallet
new bag
new hair accessories
pierce my ear
new mp3
let go off the past
new accessories
hang out with Yanli
hang out with Sijia, Jolene, Yanli together
hang out with Adeline
hang out with Daphne
one two three

Now Playing


Monday, May 31, 2010

Today oral exam, I am the first, weird, but I am not feeling nervous... Later still got TPJC practice, the whole of this week! I damn tired, Adeline not going, so left me and Sijia...
Went expo yesterday, find my cousin as she is working there, shopped for clothes and stuffs. Went back home with my cousins and relatives. They 10p.m plus then leave, saw cousin at void deck.
Zichang, Tianqi they all going China, no more listening ears... :(
Feeling sad, I want to talk to them):
I sure will miss them! =[
Nothing to post le, end here. See if can blog again later.

listen to me at 12:14 PM

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Today DJ came my house, now go work, later then come back stay over(:
But then today got back report book, scared everyone look down on me...):
Sms Xueqi was fun, she was funny :D
Sms Zichang, lol I really got stm, I forgot what I asked him... LOL then I say I do not know who he was, and that my mother say I cannot talk to strangers. He said my mother was good, then I say he do not want to talk to me, so he replied, saying no. LOL I can sense the rushness.
Saturday going to my brother's school again. LOL I do not know if he wants to go watch the concert... He very bad one (Shh... DO NOT tell him)
Nothing to post, just hoping that Tianqi will be happy always ^^

listen to me at 5:43 PM

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Today first lesson Dnt, stayed in class for the whole two hours, bored to death. Weilun very bad, I say help him with the corrections, in the end, I do all the corrections for him... So many questions, I say I going die, he say I cannot die, as he wanted me to help him...):
Seriously, who am I to all of you? A person that you can use whenever you want?! What do you expect from me? What have I even done? What mistake did I make? Why am I suffering? Why nobody understand? Why can't they just do their best, and put themselves into our shoes?:(
They never even care how we exactly feel! How will they feel when others treat the same way as us to them? They just... do not care!
Actually I should be feeling happy as my twinnie came back from camp, but then... Everything seemed to be like, wrong...
I really am tired of this cold war, it's not what she think it is!
Well, at least someone understands...
No mood to post any further...

listen to me at 8:33 PM

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Today is the day I am alone in my home, as my twinnie currently having her secondary two camp):
I want her back already... I am tired of being alone... :(
Tomorrow got CO, do not feel like going... Never mind, compulsory, must go...
Currently talking to Tianqi senior and Zichang senior
Nothing to post, just want her back now...

listen to me at 5:48 PM

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Today went to TPJC for practice, lol I did not know that my kor's school is air-conditioned, so COOL! The school is big enough for a person to get lost, his auditorium, he said, is very cold. Get to know that one of his friend is in CO.
Took my instrument plus the case, now hand very very tired. Today woke up, my right hand damn pain, now hand and leg both pain and tired. May not be going from next week onwards, as my mother say that the instrument's casing very heavy. Hope that I can go... Anyways, today on the journey home, Adeline totally ignored me. Luckily I have Xueqi and Carmen and their concern(: I think Carmen also believe me about the Rachel senior thingy, the misunderstanding.
Now still sad, Rachel senior still does not want to talk to me... Never mind, I totally give up. She is the one who do not want to believe and friend me, it is ohkayy, it's her choice.
Forget about that matter, hope that all my wishes come true! Tomorrow is DJ's birthday, and she have not come to our house yet...
To DJ: Happy b'dae to you! You ate loved by me(: May all your wishes come true! ^^

listen to me at 9:31 PM

Friday, May 21, 2010

Today being 'abuse' by Adeline... The whole 'group' likes wangzi, and I am the only one who does not like him, so they decided to force me to like him... Pity myself... LOL she took my hands, not letting me go unless I like wangzi, she hold them so hardly that she almost broke my hand... LOL I escaped, then she caught me again, I see no point of escaping... Finally recess over, then got to escape from the 'wangzi freaks' :D
Later shopping with my twinnie, just ate egg tarts, later go shopping eating sushi or ice-cream :]
Tomorrow going TPJC, finally my kor tell me how to go le:) Take bus 9 until you see a school.
Today played netball, got hit by the ball on my head... Damn hard sia, then they there laughing at me ): They do not even know how painful it was...
Whatever... Tomorrow meeting Adeline and Sijia :D So 'excited' to go to TPJC. Bravo!

listen to me at 5:23 PM

Yesterday got a situation in class: Student vs Teacher. Student almost punch the teacher, then the teacher challenge him to hit. Student tell teacher not to challenge him. The teacher damn fierce sia. The student cannot control himself, as I know him.
Today just met Jacinda for the TPJC thingy, maybe going ask my brother to bring me there, but I do not think he very good one LOL. Just took the instrument home, then when I opening the door, my twinnie came home! Should have waited her at the MRT... Hand breaking... So tired... Sherly and I kept talking in class ^^ Keep chatting, then chat until the first impression on each other. At first I thought she is fierce, then she think everyone very good :D Now then I know she's kind, and the only friend I have in trust... So sad :( ( Tianqi, Zichang, Chanisa, Carol, Daphne, Yanli, Sijia, Jolene, Trini, Shannon, Adeline, you all have my trust too :D)
Currently online msn, looks like only one guy from school is online :( I want to talk to Rachel, I just want her to trust me, friend me and believe me, or at least trust and believe me... I badly wanted to talk to her... ):
Tired of this cold war, apologizing to her face-to-face barhh...

listen to me at 1:28 PM

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Now I am officially being hated by her.
Does she knows how much she hurt me?
Why can't she just believe me, accusing me of doing something I did not do?
What is written on my face? All those nasty things? What have I done wrong? Why am I the one who suffered from doing nothing wrong?
What is wrong with me? Why am I being hated?
Who am I to all of you? Am I the one who can be easily accuse of doing something that I did not do? Am I the one who likes bully others, insulting them, hurting them?
What can I do to amend my mistakes? I did a lot of things to amend this relationship, but you just does not want to accept it. It was you who chose not to believe me, so what do you want me to do? What exactly have I done wrong? Tell me, what am I to you? A rubbish? Do you know how exactly do I feel? NO!
What do you want from me? Stop accusing me of doing something I did not do. Do you know how it was like being accused by her best friend? Being accused of doing nothing wrong?

listen to me at 7:37 PM

One word for it: DIE
Today got to know our MYE results, my mother was very disappointed with my results :( English results stinks! ):
Never mind, no mood to talk about that... Anyways, going to start my revision soon! Hope that I can get better results!
Tianqi: Hope that lady luck is with you and may you get good results!
Rachel: May lady luck be with you and get good results!
Zichang: May gentlemen luck be with you and get good results!
Hope that my blessings can help you all! JIAYOUs for upcoming exams! ^^
I will be supporting you all!

listen to me at 5:34 PM

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Today I am the only one at home, bored to tears...
Tomorrow got to know Mid-year exam results, now feeling very scared, if I do not get good results, I am letting down DJ and my mother...
Arg... My grandmother came home all of a sudden, then went down buy groceries with her... -.-
Currently talking to my cousin and friends. Nothing to post le. ~End post~

listen to me at 5:40 PM

Monday, May 17, 2010

Shall talk to you about Saturday.
Woke up at 12.15p.m, first time sleeping until so late! Ate a slice of cake for breakfast, not really hungry, not feeling well. Ate a pancake for lunch, then went to my first uncle's house to celebrate my grandmother's birthday. Bored to tears, cousins all ignore us, except that we never chat with the boys. Then ate dinner, played PSP and watching my twinnie play. Then watch television, then suddenly heard a familiar voice, sounded like DJ, I was like 'I thought she teaching her students now? Am I hearing things?' Then went in front to check with twinnie, seriously is her. LOL she liar... Then went to sing birthday song for grandmother, after that went to play with DJ, the 'benefactor' of us. Played her iPhone, while twinnie played PSP. Ate cake, then DJ say she Sunday then come our house.
Sunday time
Went to celebrate another grandmother's birthday at restaurant, then when the others went home while we went to grandmother's house, my eldest cousin wanted to talk to us, then sayang me. LOL then waved goodbye to us, then they went home. Watched How to train your dragon, then went home. Waited the whole for DJ's arrival, but rained heavily, so she might come today...
LOL right after exams celebrated both grandmother's birthday :D
Cool, but bored...
Nothing to post le. So byes~

listen to me at 11:56 AM

Friday, May 14, 2010

Sometimes when things happen, it happen unexpectedly, and no matter what you do to mend that relationship, it will never be the same anymore. That person have lose faith and trust in you... I hope that everything just slow down and went back to that time when she did not ignore me, and tell her that I will not do anything to hurt her... But... it's.... too late...

listen to me at 2:00 PM

Yay! No more stress le ^^
MYE finally over, but my relationship (friend) with Rachel senior seemed to be over... :( Can't help myself but to cry... ):
All the credit goes to DJ, who's there when I needed someone to teach and play with me, comfort me (tianqi senior also a good listener ^^) DJ helped my twinneh and me a lot, she even stayed up late for us to teach us...
To DJ: I love you the most among the cousins, and I really appreciate your help :D
To all seniors: JIAYOUs and get good results! =]
Haiz... Tomorrow is my grandmother's birthday, and DJ's not going, looks like my twinneh and me will be bored to death... Or at least died of loneliness...
Hope that every thing goes well tomorrow...
Currently talking to one of my favorable senior, Eunice :D
Hope that Tianqi senior will online soon to chat with me :]
PS I am sincerely apologizing to Rachel senior, I promise that it's not me. If you do not want to talk to me, at least believe me... I swear it's not me! :[

listen to me at 1:46 PM

Thursday, May 6, 2010

LOL I promise that this will be the last post =]
Today went to buy bubble tea for my twinnie and me, then when I turned around, I saw Zichang and Simin. Zichang was like I buy one for my sister, while Simin said hi to me ^^
Two exams down, five to go...

JIAYOUs everyone, for your MYE~
Photos of the day:

That's all, cya after MYE~

listen to me at 7:34 PM

Monday, May 3, 2010

This will be the last post before the MYE :(
Just wanna say JIAYOUs everyone, for your MYE!
Camera time :D
hehehs :D
My twinnie and me ^^ always heart-ed

Will upload more photo next post
JIAYOUs, for now...

listen to me at 5:51 PM

Shall do a quick post.
Not updating my blog until the end of MYE, so just leave a tag if you want to :]
Anyways, JIAYOUs for all those people having MYE, jiayou jiayou jiayou! (my twinnie, Tianqi, Xueqi, Carol, Chanisa, Qifang, Daphne, Yanli, Sijia, Jolene, Shannon, Trini, Shicao, Chuanning, Adeline, Rachel, Zichang, Weijie, maybe my brother?)
JIAYOUs~ I will be supporting you :D

listen to me at 10:04 AM

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