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THE girl(:

Sweetiecream ♥
Jiaqin Sweetiecream
Studying in Changkat Primary School Changkat Changi Secondary School
Everyone wish me a "HAPPY B'DAE" on every 2308 .

new clothes
new handphone
new wallet
new bag
new hair accessories
pierce my ear
new mp3
let go off the past
new accessories
hang out with Yanli
hang out with Sijia, Jolene, Yanli together
hang out with Adeline
hang out with Daphne
one two three

Now Playing


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Rain rain, go away~

Just ate dinner after bathing.
When going home with Sijia, Adeline, Rachel senior and Zichang korkor, the rain was heavy, and Rachel senior and Zichang korkor never bring their umbrella, we actually wanted to abandon the seniors, but Sijia decided to take out her umbrella, so we went back. Zichang korkor saw us came back, so he wanted to shared the umbrella with me. In the end, Rachel senior and him shared an umbrella. But half-way walking out of school, Rachel senior went to share umbrella with Adeline, so Zichang korkor have the umbrella all to himself. Sijia and I kept shouting him selfish, but he did not bother about us. Then Sijia and I kept snatching umbrella, then I shouted until no voice. All of us were drenched but only Zichang korkor was dry. Then when we reached bus stop, Rachel senior ran towards the two of us, pushing me, almost made me fall. If fall, very paiseh one. Then she went to share umbrella with Zichang korkor, then pangsei us, ran while crossing the road. I shouted their names, then we follow them cross the road (not jay-walking) Then I say byes to them and went home.
First thing I did when I reached home were remove my socks, take clothes and went to bathe, then dried my hair and ate my dinner.
I think I caught a flu, now feeling very cold...
Currently talking to Rachel senior, discussing about the outing tomorrow! [: We both are sooooo excited! :] Yays! Adeline, me, Zichang korkor, Rachel senior and Weijie senior confirm going! (: Now only left Sijia to see if she can go. Hope she can convince her parents! :)
Going bowling, watch movie, neo-print!
Today practice got hit by Rachel senior, again... Lol!
Went CCM today, got oral, lucky my turn over, so now I am not so nervous :D
Lol we both very excited about tomorrow but no one same house as me, maybe secretly go find Sijia and Adeline! XD
Rachel senior running tomorrow! I wish her all the best! *wishing*
JIAYOUS, RACHEL SENIOR! Make us proud! :P Lol

listen to me at 8:07 PM

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Today monday saw Rachel senior, so Adeline, Sijia and me went to find her. Adeline and I kept hitting her for our revenge as she hit me damn pain yesterday [: Then ask her about the Thursday 'outing' :] So eager for Thursday to come (: Finally can go out with friends :) So happy that I could not stop smiling :D
Tomorrow is a MUST for me to give details about the 'outing', or else I think I cannot go already... :[ I want to go! ]:
Today recess go find zichang korkor to know where we are going. Say we going e-hub. Now I not sure if I can go le. :( I seriously want to go ):
Anyways, currently talking Rachel senior, who is busy playing her ipod... She should put her status as busy mah, so I would not talk to her ^^

listen to me at 5:55 PM

Monday, March 29, 2010

Rachel senior badbad

Today only say Rachel senior walk like a pig, she hit damn hard... Pain sia... Then Adeline go help me revenge [: Then she hit back, we hit her back again :] Then she hit me damn harder, like my hand break le... :[ Then during practice, she hit me again, for nothing ]:
During practice, I saw Rachel senior talking to Zichang korkor, then I joked that she is talking to her zichang... Got hit just by saying it... :{
When Sijia and I at the foyer, Rachel senior said that Adeline thought we went home, so she left... }:
My tummy muscle still hurts from the sit-up last Friday, somemore got hit by the javelin... Now my arms are hurting too, just because Rachel senior hit the poor arms a lot of times... Very tired now, from the hittings and chinese orchestra practices... I really wished upon the stars, that I can go out with Rachel senior and them, and get into the same class as Sijia, Adeline, Jolene, Yanli and ... Haiz...
Maybe going out with Zichang korkor, Rachel senior and Weijie senior, Sijia and Adeline at Tampines after Sports Day, bringing our own clothes. :D
Sian... My twinnie have not came back from school... :( Bored... ):
Hope that I can go out with they all! XD
Not much to say, just wishing upon the stars~

listen to me at 7:05 PM

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Today go cc with Adeline at 10.20 a.m plus, we thought we were late, but the conductor later! Lol. We both got taught by conductor, very stressed :[ He very strict ]:
Currently talking to Rachel senior, discussing about the going out with her, Weijie senior, Zichang korkor and my friends :]
Hope that I can go! [:
Just mopped the floor, now my hands are very tired... :( Resting now :)

listen to me at 8:07 PM

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Go out go out

Sian... Rachel senior asked me to go out with her, Zichang korkor and Weijie senior to watch movie, but my mother sure do not allow... :( Well, the movie nice anot? I do not even know... ): -.- I want to go out with them, but I will feel extra because I am the only junior, so if I am going, I will bring along Adeline, Sijia, Jolene, Yanli, or my twinnie, if can... (: Then I can show-off about my twinnie :P Hahas :)
Today nothing to do, currently no one is even online, no one to talk to... :[ Wish my seniors and friends are online ]:
Maybe go ride bicycle with my twinnie [: Korkor surely cannot :] Just now got scoldings from my korkor for nothing :{ Sad sia }: Anyhow scold me d: That will be what he deserves!
Rachel senior online now! Please!

listen to me at 3:47 PM

Friday, March 26, 2010

Heats Day

Today Heats Day at Tampines Stadium. At Tampines, Cindy then say she forgot how to do, me too! Hi-5~ Lucky saw Chanisa, or else we damn late le [: Credits goes to Chanisa! :] Hazel, Qifang came very late, made poor Chanisa wait for them, even though they were very late... What a good friend! (: A compliment from me :)
My event is javelin, an event that I do not even know. When I threw the stick (metal, but light), the end of the stick hit my back! I was like shocked that I almost drop the stick before throwing it. :( Very pain... ): Second time, I bend down before throwing. Very paiseh, because got a lot of people staring at me... ): Third time I was lucky, never got hit :P

The teacher's comment:

  • First time: Nothing
  • Second time: Good throw! (that throw not counted)
  • Third time: NOT COUNTED!

I damn angry at the teacher! :[ No manners! ]:

When going home with Cindy, we got lost. We went straight, everywhere were unknown. We went left, also go wrong place. Finally we went the right place after having the last decision. d:

We went Tampines Mall, trying to find Long John Silver (Cindy's sister say there got). We go one round then found the directory. Lol, then we found out that there do not even have Long John Silver... -.- So we bought McDonald for her.

Now very tired, talking to Rachel senior (wow she run so fast), Nadiah, Carmen, Xuexue and Yujun senior XD


listen to me at 8:49 PM

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Badbad seniors

Today got co practice, but no rehearsal... Rachel senior (so old) thought got, that was why she came... -.-" Lols... Half-way through practice, the first row empty because all of us went to slack... LOL! Only left Rachel senior, Xiushi and someone I do not even care. Lol we abandon her. Hahas! Serve her right for bullying me. :P
Today recess saw her, first thing I did was to hit her very hard. She was crying, saying we bully small little kids like her! Lol... My revenge is sweet! :D
Going home with Beier and Adeline but she forgot to pass back the co store key... -.- Then saw Rachel senior and Zichang korkor, took Adeline's wallet when she was tying her shoelaces. Rachel senior very de happy, but we all very angry. We chase her, then she pass the wallet to Zichang korkor (extra), then he pretend like he very innocent like that. I pulled his bag, then cannot run, pass the wallet back to Rachel senior. In the process, Adeline go hit him damn hard until the whole level can hear the sound. He heck care lor, in the end also got back her wallet. They still got energy, except for Adeline and me, because we keep hitting and pulling. Hope everytime can play with them! XD
Good luck for the Heats Day tomorrow (me!) :]
Good byes~ [:

listen to me at 9:16 PM

Monday, March 22, 2010

Badbad Rachel senior

Today got chinese orchestra practice until 6p.m+. Rachel senior kept disturbing me and hit the poor and innocent me... :(
When I got my revenge, she hit me back, no chance for revenge... ):
Zichang korkor also bully me, he use the drum (forgot the name) hit me :[
Seniors bully junior, poor me... ]:
Currently talking to Rachel, then we suddenly chat about operation, her family only her didi and baba got operation while my family got my mama, baba, korkor and lastly, me! Lol my family got so many, only my twinnie special :{
Speech day coming! And we co members are so stress up! Wish that it would be a success! :)
Lastly, wish Adeline can go express! (:
Wish me, Adeline, Sijia, Jolene, Genevieve, Trini, Shannon, Chuanning, Chewyu, Daphne, Xuexue, Qifang, Chanisa, Carol, Hazel and my kors (bold - must!) [:
Wishing all of them can achieve their wishes! :]
Go same classes too! XD

Lastly, I want my mummy back!

listen to me at 8:44 PM

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Shao mu~

Today went out the whole with my family to shao mu. My annoying cousin came forcing me to talk to him, so I replied unwillingly... Well, at least he is much more better than my friends. :)
I think I having sore throat soon, because I felt my throat hurting... ):
Went shopping for like 1 hour? Bought some things then went home... Later watching a show with my korkor and twinnie. The show very funny XD
Well, laughter's the best medicine!

listen to me at 6:26 PM

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Mummy, I MISS YOU!

Feel like wanting to go out, but then it is impossible. Just wishing that my mummy was here... At least we can chat and play and eat together :(
I was like a maid today. Why did the operation even succeeded? I want it to be a failure, so I will not be sad for anything...
Just wishing that someone will understand me... Wish my mummy was here...

listen to me at 8:50 PM

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Yesterday whole day in school for chinese orchestra... I was very tired until I almost sleep during conductor teaching the erhu members...
Went to KFC to eat lunch with Sijia and Rachel. Half-way through, Chanisa and Xuexue came in and join us :]
Played with Rachel, I hit her, she hit back so hard :( Now still pain a little ):
Help my korkor practice for his volleyball, he hit too hard, I miss the ball and the ball hit me :[
Currently chatting with Beier and Joycelene, while we completed the history project :D
Nothing to say, now just wishing all to enjoy their holidays XD

listen to me at 4:28 PM

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Yesterday finally chat with my mummy... :D
She said that she can only online at night as she will be busy until then... :[
But at least I talked to her :]
Tomorrow whole day at school as there is chinese orchestra practice... My mother tell me to go for the morning only, I do not know weather I want to go for the noon one... Oh well, at least can eat lunch with Adeline and Sijia? Maybe I just go for the whole day...
Currently using the computer without my kor's permission. Well, he never ask for permission to use too :P
Just finish hanging the clothes... My left hand very tired... I am not a left hander...

Still thinking of my mummy... I want her back now, at this moment!

listen to me at 11:47 AM

Monday, March 15, 2010

Oral oral, go away~

Today's oral very hard... I was very nervous until I stopped half-way through... I think I failing... :(
Went home with Sijia, Jolene and Yanli. When we still in school, my stomach ache again... Anyways, I am used to it... :[
Just hung finish the clothes, so I went outside to make it dry there. During the process of hanging, I was sad, because some of the clothes belongs to my mummy... When I hang finish the clothes outside, it was drizzling... So unlucky, so I took in all the clothes (hand tired from yesterday's mopping, leg pain, want to sit down) ):
When I take in all the clothes, the rain stopped. WTH! I very tired already... Why the rain stopped?

Still thinking of my mummy... Please bless her and take great care of her, PLEASE!
If there is a choice, you can take my life in exchange of taking GREAT care of her...

listen to me at 6:18 PM

Mummy mummy I miss you

Today got oral exam... I scared I fail... :(
Meeting Sijia and Jolene to go school together. Maybe later go Eastpoint shopping :]

Still missing my mummy... I want her back already ):

Currently talking to my bestie, Xuexue (xueqi) but Qifang not online... :[
Maybe later can chat with them face to face XD

Everyone wish me good luck for the oral later. (includes Xuexue, Qifang, Sijia, Jolene, Chewyu, Chanisa(if she taking), Yanli and Qingling) Take care!

All the best!

listen to me at 1:11 PM

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mopmop the floor

Just now I was mopping the floor while Xuexue and Qifang were talking to me... I mopped 3 rooms continually... Mopped until my hands went red totally...

^^ My left hand (most top) ^^ ^^ My right hand (just up here) ^^
My hands were very pain as my hands are sensitive to the mop handle thingy. My right hand the skin peel off :( pain... ):

Still thinking about my mummy... :[
I want her back... ]:

listen to me at 6:47 PM

Mummy mummy lovelove~

listen to me at 12:30 PM

Missing you always~

Yesterday cried with my twinnie as we still miss our mummy... :[
All I can do now is just wait for her return... ]:
Not in the mood to post, just want to say, I love her...

listen to me at 11:41 AM

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The special watch

This watch is not unique to others, but to me, it is. This watch is given as a birthday present from my mummy as she would not be in Singapore to celebrate with us... I will always remember this watch as this is a watch that is priceless and a memorable one, it's uniqueness...

listen to me at 9:04 PM

Mummy mummy where are you?

Today cried in the toilet (no sound)... Without my mummy, life at home seemed to be empty and silent... I could only take the watch she gave me as a symbol of her... What can I do? No one can change the fact that she had left... I really wish that time can turn back and that she do not need to leave so I could be good to her...
Now the only thing I can do is to wish her have a safe trip and come back soon... I LOVE MUMMY!

listen to me at 9:00 PM

The items she left behind...

The skirt she gave me...
The prize I won when I went to her church...

The hairbands she gave me...

The snowball she gave me...

The watch she gave me... (as birthday present)

The piggy bank she gave me...

The message she gave me...

The keychains she gave me...

Her stuff in the care of me...

The comb she bought for me...

She bought me earrings, braclets, and more too...

listen to me at 3:14 PM

Yesterday went to airport to see my beloved aunt off... I just cannot explain the sadness and painfulness... I almost cried in front of everyone, so I just held up my tears... I really missed her a lot... ):
I just want to make her stay, but she must go... I just want to leave with her, but I do not have the money... I just want to cry... She has done so much for me, and I cannot even do a simple thing for her? I really regretted for not listening to her sometimes... :(

Why must she leave?
Why can't she stay?
Why can't I say I LOVE YOU?
Why can't I do something for her?
Why can't I do such a simple thing, listen to her?
Why am I just so useless?

But this is not enough... :[

I really miss her... I wish that I am the one leaving... I... I love her...

listen to me at 10:54 AM

Friday, March 12, 2010

Today is the last day of term 1, the worst day ever...
Nadiah scolded just because she want to win the game... :(
My best friend scolded me just for a small matter could prove that she does not trust me at all. Sorrow filled my heart, as this prove that no one in the class is my best friend... ): But at least I have Yanli, Adeline, Sijia, Jolene, Trini, Chuanning and Shannon. :]
Currently doing ace-learning homework while chatting with friends. [:
Wish everyone have a brand new life in term 2! XD

listen to me at 6:34 PM

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Today Sijia, Jolene and Adeline came my house and ate here before heading to Eastpoint to shop for a while. Jolene and Sijia went Popular while Adeline and me went to Cube-i to buy something. Today got to know Geography result, not very good, 15/25. Lierature got the same marks as Alisha, but I rather choose friends than reults... I just want to have more friends! Is that a bad thing?

Do I look like a criminal?
Why am I being look down?
What is happening to me?
Ain't I kind, friendly and everything nice?
Why am I treated as though I am always at fault?
As the world revolve, everyone changed...
Is Adeline, Sijia, Jolene, Yanli, Genevieve, Trini, Chuanning and Shannon my only true friends?

listen to me at 9:10 PM

Today Sijia, Jolene and Adeline came to my house to eat. After eating, we went to Eastpoint to shop for a while before Jolene headed to Tampines while Sijia, Adeline and me went school for chinese orchestra. Jolene and Sijia went to popular while Adeline and me went to Cube-i to buy something XD
Bought potato chip and shared with Rachel, Xueqi, Adeline, Carmen and Caleen. Cannot eat finish, so threw away the food. Waste food... :(
Wish everyone can achieve thir wishes! :D

listen to me at 3:36 PM

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Finally do finish Home Economics homework :)
Yesterday made me have a new phobia, lift. My brother and I went down to take food for dinner (grandmother cook) and went the lift is at the middle of storey 5 and 6, it suddenly stop! I was scared out of my wits as it was my first time witnessing it. The lift suddenly went down to 5th storey, so I immediately open the door. Luckily the lift door open, so I decided to rush to the stairs, but I scared my brother scold me, so went back the lift to 8th storey.
Thinking about it now still made me feel very scared. From now onwards, I DO NOT WANT TO TAKE THE LIFT ANYMORE! :[
Maybe tomorrow going Eastpoint with Adeline and Sijia for a while XD
May all your wishes come true :]
PS I will take the stairs

listen to me at 2:22 PM

Friday, March 5, 2010

Today is the last day of common test XD Finally common test finish! :]
Today got to know mother tongue paper, results not good at all, just pass :(
Just now got scoldings from my mother... She must be feeling that I am a DISGRACE to her, her chinese so good, but mine is not even her standard... :[
Currently talking randoming to my beloved cousin...
I just do not know whether to be sad or to be happy... Just hoping that I will pass all with flying colours, as well as the others...
Monday got chinese orchestra, Adeline need to go to the library... So I will be alone until about 3.4op.m... Alone during the practice... Sian, Monday I think is combine... I hate combine...
Maybe I joining the Sports Day javelin, scared I got selected but Nadiah did not get selected...
Speech Day coming, but I still do not know how to play the song... Maybe need go back choir to help out... -.-"
Currently no mood to talk le... Just listening to musics...
Tired already, having headache now...
Just want to wish everyone to pass all the papers...

listen to me at 5:07 PM

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Today is science paper, very hard is all I could say...
Just now watering the plant, saw something blackish-brown, thought was a leaf. Then my twinnie SHOUTED that it is a LIZARD!!! I thought twinnie was trying to scare me, so I spray water at it. IT MOVES!!! I was SCREAMING LIKE CRAZY, running into the house for my life, trembling with my twinnie. Beginning, it jumped at us, WE SHOUTED LIKE HELL, so we sprayed it then it ran for it's life. We thought it was afraid of water, so we sprayed it once and it was in a corner, it was trying to run for it's life, then we catch it with a plastic bag(random), ran to throw it away... Haiz... Bad encounter with lizards...
I felt like wanting to die, no one wants to talk to me during school...
I like someone, but trying to escape from the fact...

listen to me at 6:03 PM

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hellos to readers of this blog :]
Today is the second day of Common Test, four subjects down, 3 more to go... :[
Today during Art lesson, Mr Lee was angry towards us, and half-way through the lesson, he left. Hearing his story really make me ready to cry... He came from a difficult family background, so he wanted the best for us, he scold us because he cares... His mentor told Diyanah and me his sad story, and that he was really a talented teacher, everytime he was upset, she is hurt in the heart... This makes me change the view of Mr Lee. He has a heart of gold, and he already is kind to us. I wish my class would support him and be in the best behaviour during his lessons... ):
Today read a book called Chicken Soup For Teenager Souls III, when I finish the book, I felt that my feelings for him is not my true love, that I should give him up, as true love is a love that is forever... Maybe it is just because I am ugly, useless, and that no one wants me... ]:
Wishing all to pass the exams with flying colours! XD

listen to me at 9:07 PM

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