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THE girl(:

Sweetiecream ♥
Jiaqin Sweetiecream
Studying in Changkat Primary School Changkat Changi Secondary School
Everyone wish me a "HAPPY B'DAE" on every 2308 .

new clothes
new handphone
new wallet
new bag
new hair accessories
pierce my ear
new mp3
let go off the past
new accessories
hang out with Yanli
hang out with Sijia, Jolene, Yanli together
hang out with Adeline
hang out with Daphne
one two three

Now Playing


Friday, February 26, 2010

Hellos to my beloved readers :P
Today is the last day of the week, and the final day before the common test. :[
I sincerely wish everyone could pass with flying colours for that tests :]
Now, study hard is my only motto :)
I hope that Lady Luck will be there for us :D
Please bless us and help us throughout any tests or exams [:
Good luck to everyone XD

listen to me at 9:14 PM

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hellos to my beloved reader [:
Today got X-country, and i took number 54 position ]:
Starting of the race, I saw my friend, Daphne, fell down, and I can feel the pain, so I went forward to help her, leaving Adeline, Sijia, Jolene and Yanli to run alone. ):
Of course they did wait for me, as we already planed to run together :]
Then when we run, I went separate ways with them, I run, then stop, because my stomach and chest there very pain, run again, and stop again... Then, I met Xueqi, we chatted a bit, and I ran again... After a while, I saw Chewyu, so we ran together. (:
When we saw the finishing line, I raced with her and I won... Actually, thre was no difference between our position. :D
After the race, I went to find Daphne to see whether she was ok a not. Then I sms Rachel to see if she had completed her race.
Saw her and her friends together, then I called her name. She run so fast, as fast as she took number 38 position... So fast...
Today nothing to do... Just stare at the computer... Lolz...
Wishing all a happy lives ahead! XD

listen to me at 10:57 AM

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hellos to everyone :]
Today, the cousin that I did not talk to, forced me to him... But it was nice of him to talk to me :D
Today spent the whole day at my cousin(mother-side) house, even though the cousins never talk to me(some)... Made a new friend with my cousin's friend :)
She is friendly and nicer than my cousins =D
Lol... Just bathe after the whole day...(lol I know I stink, jk) Playing Pet Society now... So bored, just don't know what to do, or what to say... :[
Now, my life is filled with misery and loneliness... No one sent me a valentines thingy or message... :(
Aniways, today is the official birthday of Amanda's! Happy Birthday to you! Wishing you a Valentines day, Chinese New Year, and a happy birthday! XD
(P.s Tomorrow is my Kor(real) birthday! May all his wishes come true and pass all his subject for everything! luv luvs XD)

listen to me at 10:25 PM

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hellos to all readers :)
Today got a new wallet :]
Today having Reunion dinner with father-side grandmother(my) and all the cousins ate not close to my twinnie and me... Haiz... Later i don't know what to talk to them... Lol... Should be feeling happy but I am so not happy... :(
Today talk to my twinnie like talking to the wall, then my Kor(real one) anyhow scold me... Haiz... Feel like I am going to die... What the hell... :[
Just wishing you all a happy Lunar Chinese New Year! May all your wishes come true! XD
(P.s Amanda, wish you a early happy birthday! May all your wishes come true! luv luv :D)

listen to me at 7:02 PM

Friday, February 12, 2010


Hellos to everyone! :]
Today is the day of the Chinese New Year performance. :D
When they opened the curtains, I was shouting, in the heart, as I saw every single one of the school looking at us, because I am sitting in the front! I was very nervous, so I took three deep breathes.(so much pressure...)
The moment the curtain was opened, I heard laughters due to our costume... :(
We played perfectly, but I played the wrong notes... :[
Went back to Prrimary school and I met Mrs Wee, Mrs Singh, Mr Pua, DM(forget how to spell), Mrs Kumar, Mrs Lim, and some other teachers. Met Joyce, Bernice, Aikanshi, Shane, Wee Pin, Jeremy, Thomas, Byran, Vanessa, Daniell(forget the name), Amanda, and others. XD
Mrs Kumar treat us with candys(kidnapper, joking) Yummy! We scrolled the entire school then went home. :p
Now I am busy preparing for the upcoming Chinese New Year. X(

listen to me at 5:31 PM

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Greetings :D

My greetings to you!
Just created this blog. if you want to visit my old one ( will not delete this blog )
Today just came back buying shoes for tomorrow's performance, getting nervous and nervous. Just sitting next to the audience... Think is next to 2E1, 2E2 or 2E3 class...
Today, Carmen going Bali, hope that she will have fun there! :]

listen to me at 9:32 PM

Here's a photo of me! Lol, I looked ugly... :(

Here's a group photo of my sister and I XD

listen to me at 9:21 PM

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